Public Bathrooms….protect yourself…..

Public Bathrooms….protect yourself….. 9th May 2022 | By Anna Armstrong I’ve written about how sharing spaces with others means increased risk of cross contamination. So it’s no great surprise that sharing amenities such as toilet seats, toilet rolls, sinks, and taps with strangers have been linked to health risks. Here I break down the credible claims, and dispel the myths. Within this article, I talk around what kind of infections and viruses can be caught from pubic washrooms and importantly provide ways in which you can protect yourself. Due to the volume of people passing through public washrooms, it is a sensible conclusion to come to that these areas are as veritable hot bed for bacteria and other nasties to lurk. Clinical trials,including ones Astral Hygiene has been part of have demonstrated that there are any number of bacteria and viruses that could be lying in wait in public toilets – including streptococcus, E.coli, salmonella, typhoid f...