Body Fat Wars.......


You know in your shower tray, or in your bathtub there are times, when you can feel the grease underneath your fingertips when you run it along the edge. This can be ever present in clean or dirty bathtubs/shower trays, but have you ever thought what this is?

Greasy, yucky, oily stuff!

The answer will alarm you/appall you……this is in fact your body fat!! It doesn’t matter how fat or thin you are, how often you clean your bath or shower, It’s just a fact of life that this body fat will leach off your unsuspecting body and stick to whatever it can!

It feels greasy, if it builds up enough it can become slippy, & in between your tiles you can see it (if you know what your looking for!).  It’s gross, slightly unsavoury and downright disgusting – but its there, in everyone’s bathroom!

Body Fat is a particular problem in communal bathrooms, where lots of people are showering (like caravan parks or swimming pools!), and to make sure you are providing a good customer experience, body fat has got to go!

So what to do about it…… Obviously because I’m writing this blog, we have a solution here at Astral Hygiene. There are several professional level products, that can break down the grease, get rid of the oil and residue and make your bathroom clean again! The first I’d like to mention is Evans Cleanfast – a great citrusy smelling product, which removes this greasy oil with ease and removes it completely from the bottom of shower trays and baths.   This product is available in 750ml and 5 Litre, and with only a little agitation from a sponge scourer this product removes it easily, and if you continue to use it it will never build up again.

Another is Selden Bathroom Cleaner (also available in 5 litre and 750ml) , which is a firm favourite of ours here at Astral with a nice lime scent and a powerful punch when it comes to grease and body fat removal.  Both of these products do amazingly at Bodyfat removal; and if you’ve used any of the products I have recommended in my blog you’ll know I mean AMAZING! Your cheaper products that you would find on the high street don’t really work as well, because they don’t have a high enough chemical concentration to really break down the body fat!

Another area where body fat is present and it’s potentially more visible is in between your tiles. So look closely at the tiles particularly around your shower, where a lot of water splashes off the wall. If you’re looking very closely (or not closely at all if there’s a lot there!) you will see pink in your throat between your tiles. That pink is body fat that has splashed of the wall and is stuck to your grout! Yuk! Because this material is more porous than the plastic or the enamel of your bath or shower, it is more difficult to get off.

So spray it down with either the Cleanfast or the Selden Bathroom Cleaner, leave it for a few minutes (so pop some conditioner in your hair – I do this when I’m in the shower!) and then agitate it with a toothbrush while your conditioner is doing it’s magic! This will lift it off the grout and return your grout to a consistently clean colour – because the grout above your head ain’t gonna be pink, and if you stand back and look at your tiles before you’ve started you’ll now be noticing a change in colour!.  I would say, this is really a once only job, because if you just spray and wipe your tiles from now on, the body fat will be removed before it gets a chance to go through the chemical reaction which makes it turn pink!

So with these two products you will be able to remove both limescale and body fat and keep it clean, bacteria free (yes these products kill bacteria too!) and hygienic!

I would obviously use these products in conjunction with other products I have mentioned in my blog.  So at a risk of repeating myself (Repetition is not a problem if someone eventually gets it right! 😉) then I would use these in conjunction with Blu Away with I mentioned in my blog about smelly toilets and Cistern Blocks which I put in to my cistern to combat limescale, kill bacteria and introduce enzymes in to the pipes to keep them clean and to eat their way through any blockages.

So Blu Away is a biological product, which basically means it contains no nasty chemicals which will harm the environment.  Instead it introduces enzymes in to an environment to eat through the bacteria (or in this case the uric acid) rather than killing whatever is making the smell.  So Blu Away works by eradicating staining and odour problems from all washroom surfaces, including floors and walls contaminated with urine.  Simply spray and wipe all ceramic surfaces.  This works a treat!

So Blue  Away, used in turn with Cistern Blocks work hand in hand. The Royal Flush Cistern Blocks degrade organic solids (or blockages) by eating through the organic matter, and in fact they keep working after they have been discharged in to the sewer or the septic tank, preventing odours.

I’ve linked a couple of products in this blog to get you  started, and if you click in to them, you’ll be able to view the full description, the Safety Data Sheet and the User Guide……Happy Cleaning Everyone!


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