Info for Chicken Farms - Omnicide Disinfectant - What is it?
Info for Chicken Farms - Omnicide Disinfectant - What is it?
Omnicide is a powerful, fast acting, broad spectrum disinfectant designed
to provide excellent bio-security protection even in dirty conditions with
lasting residual protection.
What Does It Contain?
Omnicide contains a blend of two powerful active ingredients: glutaraldehyde and
COCO QAC. COCO QAC is cocoalkyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride. This molecule
contains a range of short, medium and long alkyl chains. Long chain activity is
needed to control gram-negative bacteria.
Why Use It?
• It destroys many virus and gram negative bacteria which are tolerant to other
disinfectants and cause disease throughout the world
• The number one choice for bio-security programs when the disease risk is high
• DEFRA approved - diseases of Poultry order 1:125 & general orders at 1:50
• Suitable for use in a variety of sectors and particularly useful in the poultry sector
• Contains a blend of two powerful active ingredients: glutaraldehyde and COCO
• Omnicide has a powerful fast acting contact activity even in dirty conditions and a
long lasting residual protection
Omnicide Use In Poultry Related Diseases
Omnicide destroys the pathogens that cause the following diseases in chickens:
• Newcastle disease
• Infectious bronchitis
• Avian Influenza
• Infectious bursal disease
• Mareks
• Coryza
• Egg drop syndrome
• Chronic respiratory disease
• Fowl Cholera
• Aspergillosis Pullorum
Omnicide Use In Broilers
Broiler chickens are especially susceptible to respiratory, gut and organ diseases.
Disinfection of the housing and surrounding environments with Omnicide after
clearing out each batch and before restocking of new chicks will help control
pathogens. Special attention should be paid to brushing or washing dust from
overhead surfaces as disease pathogens thrive in these areas.
Omnicide Use In Layers
Keep batches of laying chickens together and do not introduce replacement stock
into mature batches. Regularly disinfect cages, feeders, drinkers and egg laying
equipment with Omnicide.
Omnicide Use In Breeders
For breeding hens bio-security is extremely important in order to avoid diseases that
affect the hatchability of eggs. It is very essential to prevent gram negative bacteria
of Salmonella, Pseudomonas , E.Coli and Asperdillus fungus from infecting the eggs.
Omnicide is extremely effective in controlling these pathogens.
Omnicide Use In Hatcheries
Omnicide is extremely affective for use in the hatchery as it is non-corrosive and safe
to chicks and eggs. It can be used to disinfect the following: newly laid eggs, setters,
hatchers, hatchery buildings, hatchery equipment and transport vehicles.
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